
Stellex Data Sheets

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We have just completed our 27th data sheet for the manufacturing company Stellex. 

Following on from the brochure that we recently designed, we moved on to a series of data sheets that can be used by the Stellex Sales Team when talking to potential customers.

The challenge was to find a design that would enable the reader to quickly find the content they were looking for and to include answers to the likely questions they would be asked. Product data was therefore split in to features and benefits, with a separate technical data section. Each product also contains information on possible optional extras to help with the sales process.

The data sheets will be printed as individual pages and presented in an A4 folder. This approach makes it easy to update specific product sheets and also add new products as the company expands.

Stellex Brochure Launches

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We have been working with the talented team at Stellex Manufacturing Ltd, to showcase their incredible work and are proud to share their new brochure.

The brochure, designed by One Time Creative, provides image focused case studies of some of their bespoke fabrication projects. From self serve catering counters at Chatsworth House, to shop fittings and fixtures made out of Himalayan Rock Salt in the London food store 'High Mood Food', the brochure highlights the vast range of options available to potential clients. 

Although designed as a physical brochure to be printed, we have also made it in to a digital flip book, which you can view by clicking on the button below.